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What Makes Up Your Credit Score

Americans treat credit scores like a personal competition where higher credit scores bring bragging rights in the financial game of life. However, few know exactly what goes into a credit score and why it is important to lenders. Here is a breakdown of what goes into a credit score, along with one GIANT myth that must be dispelled!

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How to Access Roth IRA Accounts Prior to Retirement

There is a huge, common misconception we hear often from clients with Roth IRA accounts. Most clients understand Roth IRA’s to be retirement vehicles that cannot be accessed prior to age 59.5 without penalty. THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Let’s take a deep dive into Roth IRA accounts to better understand how liquid they can be prior to retirement.

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7 Ways to Make Extra Money

No matter how much money you make, with a period of high inflation like we're experiencing right now, you feel it in your wallet. If you can make some extra money right now, it can provide more margin in your life at a minimum and possibly a better future. This article explains how.

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