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Why Working with a Flat Fee Financial Advisor Should Be Your Top New Year's Financial Resolution

As we step into 2025, many of us are crafting resolutions aimed at personal growth and financial wellness. While hitting the gym or learning a new skill are common goals, one resolution that could dramatically transform your financial future is partnering with a flat fee financial advisor. The start of a new year is the perfect time to take a critical look at your financial health. Just as you might schedule a comprehensive health check-up, your finances deserve the same level of professional attention.

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Understanding the Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k)

If you’re a high-income earner looking to maximize your retirement savings, you may have heard of the mega backdoor Roth strategy. This powerful 401(k) funding technique allows you to contribute significantly more to a Roth account than the standard limits would typically allow. In this post, we’ll break down what a mega backdoor Roth is, how it works, and the benefits it offers.

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A Brief History of...The 401(k)

Not to be confused with Stephen Hawking’s seminal work “A Brief History of Time”, here you will find a short primer on the beloved workplace retirement savings plan, the 401(k). If you were born after 1980, you would think that these employer plans have been around forever, but in reality, the plan is a relatively new workplace perk.

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Can I Open A Roth IRA For My Child

Roth IRAs are a tremendously valuable savings vehicle for income earners. After-tax money goes into the account, and it grows tax free and is distributed tax free at retirement. Pretty good deal! Starting one for your child early in their life can be a powerful savings strategy. However, there are some rules to know to take advantage of these Custodial Roth IRAs (also known as Roth IRAs for Minors).

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How to Access Roth IRA Accounts Prior to Retirement

There is a huge, common misconception we hear often from clients with Roth IRA accounts. Most clients understand Roth IRA’s to be retirement vehicles that cannot be accessed prior to age 59.5 without penalty. THIS IS NOT TRUE!! Let’s take a deep dive into Roth IRA accounts to better understand how liquid they can be prior to retirement.

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